I’tirof – A Poetry By Imam Shafie (RA)

June 24, 2012 § 2 Comments

I’tirof is a poetry that was penned by the great Imam Shafie (ra). By translation , it means accept, acknowledge. https://i0.wp.com/www.missionislam.com/knowledge/knowgif/raised%20hands.jpg
The poem itself has been recorded by several artists around the world, and it touches me to my bare bones every time I hear it. It has been used by people when performing their “taubat” or repentance. Take a look at the poem and feel how it touches your heart, immediately.

Ilaahi Lastu Lil Firdausi Ahlaan
Walaa Aqwaa ‘Alan Naaril Jahiimi
Fahablii Taubataw Waghfir Dzunuubii
Fainnaka Ghoofirudz Dzambil ‘Adziimi

Dzunuubii Mitslu A’daadir Rimaali
Fahabli Taubatay Yaadzal Jalaali
Wa ‘Umrii Naaqishun Fii Kulli Yaumi
Wa Dzambii Zaidun Kaifach Timaali
Ilaahii ‘Abdukal ‘Aashii Ataaka
Muqirrom Bidz Dzunuubi Waqod Da’aaka
Wain Taghfir Fa-Anta Lidzaaka Ahlun
Fain Tathrud Faman Arju Siwaaka

Oh my Lord, I am not worthy of your Firdaus (heaven)
Yet, I am not willing to go to the fire of Hell
Accept my repentance, forgive my sins
For verily, You are The Greatest Forgiver of Sins
My sins are like grains of sand on the beach
(With your blessings) Accept my repentance, Oh My Lord, The Highly Exalted One
And my life has not enough days
Yet my sins increases day by day
My Lord, your often-sinned servant has come upon You
Who is continually committing sins, and verily is praying to You
If You are to forgive me, that is within your rights
But if You leave us, who else can we count upon?
[The English translation is by me, unexpectedly not accurate enough to bring justice to original poem. Feel free to advise]

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